Anyone who has had cavities would be able tell you how painful they can be. Tooth decay and cavities are probably the most prevalent health problems worldwide. They are more common in youngsters and children who take their dental health for granted.
Poor oral hygiene exposes your mouth to many harmful bacteria; which then causes tooth decay and cavities. If left untreated, cavities can continue to become bigger and painful. Ultimately, it may even lead to tooth loss.
This is why it is important to understand and practice oral hygiene regardless of your age. This article offers six simple steps you can consider in order to prevent cavities and take care of your oral health and general well-being.
Knowing your risks of developing cavities
Your lifestyle, diet and genetics are significant factors when it comes to determining the risk of developing cavities. If you want to learn how likely you are to develop cavities, it may help to visit a dental professional and get a thorough examination done.
If you have a higher risk of developing cavities at a later stage in life, you must schedule regular dental appointments. At the same time, while it is important to practice good oral hygiene in any case, you may be more careful if you know you have a higher tendency of developing cavities.
Maintaining a consistent oral healthcare routine
The importance of having a good oral healthcare routine cannot be emphasized. You may be well aware of how important it is to brush your teeth at least twice a day, but it takes more than regular brushing to maintain your dental health.
Ideally, it is recommended to brush your teeth after every meal, but a minimum of two times is a must in the morning and before you turn in for the day. Ensure that you’re using a toothpaste with fluoride to brush your teeth. This is because fluoride is highly effective for your teeth’ enamel. It slows mineral loss from the enamel and helps prevent tooth decay.
Besides brushing your teeth, it is equally important to floss regularly- at least once a day. Flossing can effectively remove any food particles, or plaque stuck between the teeth and hence helps prevent tooth decay.
Avoiding sugary food and snacks
You may not think much of it, but if you take your morning coffee or tea with sugar- it puts you at an elevated risk of developing cavities. Similarly, other beverages or foods that contain high amounts of sugar can also increase your likelihood of cavity formation.
If you cannot do without caffeinated drinks in the morning, limit your intake and avoid any added sugar or cream. Also, try to rinse your mouth right after consuming any sugary food or beverage. The bacteria buildup in the mouth thrives on sugar and can continue to grow if you let it.
Staying hydrated
Water plays a major role in improving oral health, so try to consume plenty of it during the day. Try to replace your sugary beverages with water, and slowly, it will curb your cravings. Water not only keeps you hydrated but also washes down all the food particles and acids in the mouth to create a balanced environment in your mouth.
Also, many public water supply systems have added fluoride in them for health purposes and drinking that water can give you fluoride to fight plaque and safeguard your teeth’ enamel.
Rinsing your mouth right after consuming food
The sugar you consume via drinks or food helps the microorganisms in your mouth to grow and thrive on it. These organisms leave waste in your mouth in the form of a biofilm that leads to plaque buildup. Over time, this plaque leads to acid formation that damages the teeth and causes cavities.
That said, make it a habit to rinse your mouth every time you eat or drink and sugary item. While brushing twice can be helpful, rinsing your mouth with a mouthwash can effectively remove harmful bacteria from the mouth. Use a good quality mouth rinse with anti-bacterial properties that do not harm the beneficial bacteria and help you maintain good dental health.
Visiting a dentist regularly
As suggested earlier, as important as it is to practice a consistent oral health routine and make mindful eating choices, it is equally important to visit your dentist regularly and get professional dental cleaning done. Try to schedule an appointment with your dentist at least once every six months and get a thorough dental exam along with professional cleaning.
This way, you can find out early in case there is any problem or concern regarding your dental health. It will hence enable you to take preventive or corrective measures in time.
Final thoughts
When you take a proactive approach in any aspect of life, it keeps you ahead of the curve. When you take a proactive approach to your dental health, it can save you from a myriad of health concerns and problems.
As the saying goes- prevention is better than cure- it is important to be vigilant about dental health. The six steps mentioned here offer helpful advice and highlight the aspects you need to consider to ensure you can prevent cavities and enjoy good dental health for a long time.
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