Physical therapy is a medical intervention that uses physical methods such as massage and exercises to treat injuries and deformities and expedite recovery after surgery. Yoga is the holistic approach to promoting physical and mental wellness using specific physical exercises like breathing and posturing. Physical therapy yoga combines elements of both yoga and physical therapy practices. Here are the main differences between physical therapy and yoga:
Training and Certification
A physical therapist is a medical professional possessing a university degree in physical therapy. The courses contain units in pathology and the human skeletal system, enabling a physical therapist to treat medical conditions. To practice as a physical therapist, you must obtain a license from the relevant medical licensing board.
A yoga instructor doesn’t require a university degree but must possess a certificate in yoga therapy from a learning institution. The yoga instructor’s training includes physical and mental health techniques for pain relief and relaxation, such as breathing and meditation. Yoga trainers don’t diagnose medical conditions like physical therapists; they help relieve existing conditions using exercises, poses, and meditation. They may further specialize in fields such as physical therapy yoga to manage clients with specialized health conditions like arthritis.
Physical therapists only work on the human body to treat medical issues, such as back pain, arthritis, or dislocated shoulders. They also use physical exercises such as stretches and massage to expedite patients’ recovery from stroke, surgeries, and muscular strains. These interventions may restore mobility and enable the patient to carry out daily functions, improving the patient’s quality of life.
Yoga instructors employ a holistic approach to physical therapy using exercises that build physical and mental wellness and relaxation. The yoga instructors can use physical exercises like breathing, posturing, and stretching to treat mental conditions like depression. Chronic medical conditions can cause anxiety and stress in a patient, requiring yoga therapy. The yoga therapist can also use meditation and breathing exercises to lower anxiety in patients pre- and post-surgery.
Physical therapists perform diagnostic tests on patients to learn more about their specific physical issues. They then decide on the physical manipulation technique to address the established problem, whether they implement massages, stretches, or light exercises. Since most physical therapists operate from healthcare institutions, they can access tools such as hot, cold, and electrical stimulation devices. These devices simplify and expedite physical therapy activities like massages and exercises, building strength, balance, and muscular coordination.
Yoga instructors cannot diagnose medical conditions; they establish the physical or mental issue from the patient’s prior diagnosis. For physical problems like sprains, arthritis, and back and hip pains, the yoga therapist might recommend physical and posturing exercises. The scope of the exercise changes depending on the severity of the condition and the stage of healing. For mental health conditions such as depression, the yoga instructor will show students how to perform meditation and breathing exercises for mental relaxation.
While physical therapists work with one patient at a time, yoga instructors can train individuals or larger groups of people. The groups consist of people with similar physical and mental needs and have tailor-made solutions. Yoga instructors may also customize personal physical and mental exercises for individuals with specialized needs. If a student is unable to perform a specific pose, the instructor will show them easier movements to try.
Enroll in Physical Therapy Yoga Classes
Physical therapy and yoga employ physical and rehabilitative exercises to ease pain and treat medical conditions like arthritis. A combination of physical therapy and yoga, called physical therapy yoga, will help to treat various conditions. The yoga exercises build physical strength and promote relaxation, improving overall quality of life. Enroll in yoga therapy classes today and start your fitness and wellness journey.
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